Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Day 1

Well... no call or text today.  I suppose I'm supposed to take that to mean were done... but I will hold out just a couple more days and see if he comes to his senses... but I doubt he will. 

Positive Side!!!
I reevaluated my life! I dropped out of college 3 years ago and have been ... tossing around... going back ever sense.  This little kick to my ego/emotions/heart/what have you has sent me for a search of what will really make me happy in life.  Certainly not a divorced father of three who never wants to marry or have more children! Why was I settling?! (oh yeah, I fell in love with him...) Anyway... I decided to start searching for the right college for me... and I think I found it... yessir... The University of Minnesota!!  They have a child psychology program which is perfect for me, and I can minor in Family Violence Prevention!!! I hope to get the ball rolling, talk with an advisor see if it would be the right fit for me, get my application in, and maybe be there this summer!!! Wish me luck all you non readers out there!!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

The introduction

I'm not sure why I'm even doing this.  Maybe because I get lonely at work, maybe because I just need to vent my frustrations. I guess I might find out someday.

I suppose since this is titled "Life in the single lane" I should explain.

I recently, today actually, made a decision to end things with a guy I really liked... maybe this is just how I decided to cope... I'm not sure.  We were together a short time, but he always seemed distant, aloof, unwilling to tell me how he really felt.  Sure he introduced me to his children, his family, but when it came down to it he just couldn't tell me if he wanted to be with me or not.  Seeing as my dream is to be a mother...and he said multiple times he doesn't want anymore kids and he will NEVER remarry... on top of the whole unable to tell me how he feels about me thing... I decided, as hard as the decision was, that I need to be done.  I am giving him a few days of silence to maybe come to his senses and come to me begging for forgivness and professing that he really wants to be with me... but in my heart of hearts I know that won't happen.  So this, my blog, is what is going to get me over the loss of an amazing guy who made me laugh, and smile, like no one before him...and his kids who I fell for the second I met them and who did the same with me.  This blog, is going to be my venting post for my trials and tribulations with men... and life in general. 

Yes I am 24 years old, all of my friends have kids and most are married or engaged...and I am the consistantly single one.  I live with my sister and her two kids and I am patiently waiting for my time to experience the giving end of the love a parent has for their child.